I think the last entry I made here was the last time I gave any thought to my writing, let alone anything else creative. A busy summer, followed by a half term homeschooling my youngest, and squeezing my own study in around that and the rest of the family have put paid to any writing time I might normally have. But the homeschooling situation has changed now, and we're doing flexi-schooling - two days at home, three at school, which is much better for my own study, even if I still don't have time to write. All I can do with regard to the creative process right now is make notes and carefully consider deeper themes as I study literature. At least it's something. Haven't heard from Aberrant Dreams re Destination yet. I'll hold on a little longer. The submission guidelines said a five month wait. I think this story was the last submission I made at Critique Circle, and that was back in April. It's autumn now. I'm missing my writing dreadfully.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I know you Brits don't celebrate it, but I'm thankful to have you for a Crunchy Critter so I'm sending wishes anyway.
Hey thanks! Should ha' got here sooner. Hope you had a great day. Christmas next :) ... after another essay.
Dear Henny,
I found your blog through your profile at CC - Do you recall critiquing a chapter of my wip-Duking Days Rebellion? ages ago?
Well your comments encouraged me to keep working on it and guess what I got it published. Not a mainline press but as my editor says, a book is a book. And I am on Amazon.com! The sequel, Duking Days Revolution is due out this spring.
Why am I telling to you this? Because in your last blog you sounded a bit discouraged about your writing and I wanted to tell you it's worth persevering.
If you are interested, take a look at www.anitadavison.webeden.co.uk to see the book.
Love, Anita
Thank you for the encouragement, Anita.
It's always fantastic to hear of publishing successes, and I wish you the very best for the future.
I'm hoping to get back to my writing really soon. In the mean time my creative side, refusing to be thwarted in any sense, has found another outlet.
Watch this space.
Helloooooo, Henny! When are you going to post a new blog entry? Hmmm? When? When???!
Working up to that, Kimber, you blog fiend. ;) I only just blogged last November - give a girl a chance!
*pretends not to notice the kick in the backside*
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