I'm about ready to put up my first lyric for critique. Have found a great forum - www.tunesmith.net - and very friendly bunch of people. I hope I can grow into songwriting as I continue to grow with my writing. Btw, Heal the Pain is now titled Feel Like I'm Living Again. (Much better as I think that Bon Jovi had a hit called HTP).
I got the idea for this one from an article I read on the internet: Seven Ways to Get Over an Ex by Caitlin Ascolese - full of practical advice on how to remind yourself how very awful things were so you don't go back to him again. The song was to have a similar title, based on this article, with a hard, unforgiving edge to the lyric. But as I started writing, I found a character who had done all these things -- like writing down hurtful things that had been done and said, and sticking them on post-it notes around the house -- she basically followed all the advice, and it just wasn't making things better.
I've got another three songs I'm working on now, and at some point I'm going to have to record these and put them up at Tunesmith so I can get the songs critiqued as well as the lyrics. Once I've got a few mp3 files together, I'll probably get a myspace or soundclick account and put them up for the world to hear.
Now that's a thought to give me the collywobbles.
You're a wonderful artist, Henny. I'm scared to death to draw faces. I always trace people and then just draw their clothes and hair.
Doesn't matter *how* you do it. Just do it. :)
But, thanks. ;)
Okay, okay, I feel the need to draw coming on because I'm creating new Spring outfits to sew.
Now I would *love* to see them. 'Specially if they're based on any of the LOTR outfits you've worked on.
You never did send me a pic of Arwen's dress, btw. :( See, I remember things, K. I'm an elephant. A kind of hen-shaped elephant . . . thing . . .
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