So, here's the virtual version of my home-base. This is for me, really, to help with my writing, my study, and other things that matter, but if other people stop by and get help for themselves, then that’s good too.
What matters? Well, in no particular order, writing and study, as I mentioned, also sleep, global warming, restless legs, and learning to play the guitar. Other things will pop up along the way. I believe everyone learns/does something new everyday, so here's mine for today - never had a blog before. My thanks to good buddy Kimber An for helping me get started here.
What else? I’ll also review books as I read them, aka Kimber, and put up the odd interview related to those things above that matter, with links to useful sites/other blogs.
Oh, the study – I’m aiming to start a BA (Honours) in English Language and Literature in 2009. I’ve just completed An Introduction to the Humanities, and this year will be taking Approaching Literature. So, 10 texts to read over the summer:
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
Top Girls, Caryl Churchill
Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen
Othello, William Shakespeare
King Henry V, William Shakespeare
As You Like It, William Shakespeare
Frankenstein:1818 text, Mary Shelly
Fathers and Sons, I S Turgenev
The Color Purple, Alice Walker
I’m looking forward to this.

Edited to add a picture for Kimber. It's hard to find one without the kids in. Here's one of the canal my brother lives on.
Good morning, Henny! Great new blog. When are we going to see some pictures of sunny England?
I think it would be great if you did book reviews. My buddies are always looking for those. Whenever you do, I'll announce it on my blog and add that book to the Enduring Romance website.
I'm going to go add your blog to my links right now. May I please have mine added to yours?
Will add you as soon as post-school rush is over. England isn't so sunny right now, but pictures will be added as and when.:)
The 'sunny' was a joke! Heh, heh.
Hi Henny. Saw your note and dropped by to see your new blog. Congrats. It looks great. :)
Feel free to add mine to your list, if you'd like. The addy is:
Also, feel free to add The Toasted Scimitar. (I'm one of the four co-hosts). That addy is:
Let me know if you'd like your link added to mine/ours.
Laurie (Aspiration on CC)
Hi Laurie! Yeah go on and put up mine. Why not? Thx. :)
So, thanks for dropping by. Nice to see you here. I'll go ahead and add your two links.
K, I'll put up a pic as soon as I can get the pc off my daughter. I don't have our photos stored on my laptop. The weather was much nicer a few weeks ago and we went for a walk in Fritton Woods. I'll find one of those.
What will I do, btw - edit my original post and add the picture?
Great books on your summer list!
I just read Father's and Son's and A Doll's House. This past semester. Good Stuff!
CC's Dorthygale (I have a blogspot account, but I haven't used in such a long time I don't remember what it was!)
Yay! Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for stopping by. :)
The list looks great, doesn't it?My sister has decided to read them with me. :)
Love the picture! Yanno, if you put pictures at the top of the post, people are more likely to stop and read the post as they surf through. Just a littl tip.
Very nice site, Henny. :)
Oh, I love Frankenstein! If you ever want to see a good movie adaptation, look at Hallmark's 2004 film. (I can't stand most of the other versions I've seen. :P lol)
I'll add your site to the Toasted Scimitar if Laurie hasn't updated it yet.
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