Sometimes things can slide. I haven't done much of my own writing over the last nine months. Plenty of essays, but not much for myself. So over the last couple of months I've been looking forward to finishing my study so I could get on with writing my novel, and work on the couple of short stories I have on the boil.
Only now my final paper is out of the way, and study is over until September, I find myself in a kind of involuntary hiatus. What happened? Four weeks ago I was itching to write, and now I just can't be arsed. It's not writer's block - I don't believe in that - I just don't feel like doing it.
Someone said to me once that you should only write when you feel like it, otherwise the pleasure quickly goes. But I think sometimes it's important to push on through that. Because what if the desire never comes back? That's not a nice thought, is it?
Time I choose to write, I suppose.
Good points, Henny. I've also found when I make an effort to show my husband admiration and respect it encourages him to be the best he can be too.
The book, 'The Five Languages of Love' is fantastic. I really must finish the last few chapters and review it.
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