I think the last entry I made here was the last time I gave any thought to my writing, let alone anything else creative. A busy summer, followed by a half term homeschooling my youngest, and squeezing my own study in around that and the rest of the family have put paid to any writing time I might normally have. But the homeschooling situation has changed now, and we're doing flexi-schooling - two days at home, three at school, which is much better for my own study, even if I still don't have time to write. All I can do with regard to the creative process right now is make notes and carefully consider deeper themes as I study literature. At least it's something. Haven't heard from Aberrant Dreams re Destination yet. I'll hold on a little longer. The submission guidelines said a five month wait. I think this story was the last submission I made at Critique Circle, and that was back in April. It's autumn now. I'm missing my writing dreadfully.